Coinage act of 1965
Coinage act of 1965

La demande pour le demi-dollar Kennedy en tant que pièce de collection le fait disparaître de la circulation après ses débuts en 1964.

Coinage act of 1965 plus#

L'argent des pièces d'un dollar vaudrait plus comme lingot que comme monnaie si le prix du métal dépassait 1,38 $ l'once, et il y a une thésaurisation généralisée de pièces en argent. Le début des années 1960 est une période d'utilisation accrue de l'argent, tant dans la monnaie que dans l'industrie, ce qui fait pression sur son prix, qui est plafonné à un peu plus de 1,29 $ l'once par les ventes du gouvernement à ce prix. Il y a eu des pénuries de pièces à partir de 1959, et la Monnaie américaine augmente la production pour tenter de répondre à la demande. Elle réduit également la teneur en argent du demi-dollar de 90 à 40 pour cent l'argent du demi-dollar est ensuite éliminé par une loi de 1970. Le Coinage Act of 1965 (loi sur la monnaie de 1965) est une loi américaine qui élimine l'argent des pièces de dix cents et d'un quart de dollar en circulation aux États-Unis.The act also banned the production of silver dollars until at least 1970. They passed side by side with their silver counterparts for a time, but the precious metal coins were hoarded beginning in 1967 as the Treasury ended its efforts to keep silver prices low. The new coins began to enter circulation in late 1965, and alleviated the shortages. Although there was some opposition, mainly from legislators representing Western mining states, the bill progressed rapidly through Congress, and was enacted with Johnson's signature on July 23, 1965. Johnson in June 1965 recommended that Congress pass legislation to allow for silverless dimes and quarters, and debased silver half dollars. After extensive study by the Treasury Department, President Lyndon B. The Bureau of the Mint increased production, helping reduce the coin shortages by May 1965, but government stocks of silver were being rapidly reduced, and threatened to run out by 1968. Demand for the Kennedy half dollar as a collectable drove it from circulation after its debut in 1964. The silver in a dollar's worth of quarters would be worth more as bullion than as money if the price of the metal rose past $1.38 per ounce, and there was widespread hoarding of silver coins. The early 1960s was a time of increased use of silver both in the coinage and in industry, putting pressure on the price of silver, which was capped at just over $1.29 per ounce by government sales at that price. There had been coin shortages beginning in 1959, and the United States Bureau of the Mint expanded production to try to meet demand. It also reduced the silver content of the half dollar from 90 percent to 40 percent silver in the half dollar was subsequently eliminated by a 1970 law. 254, enacted July 23, 1965, eliminated silver from the circulating United States dime (ten-cent piece) and quarter dollar coins.

Coinage act of 1965